The Greatest 100 Characters in history
In the Name of ALLAH By Michael H. 1992 (1) Muhammad(PBUH) Prophet of Islam Religion Hart recognized that ranking Muhammad first might be controversial, but felt that, from a secular historian's perspective, this was the correct choice because Muhammad is the only man to have been both a founder of a major world religion and a major military/political leader. Name : Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh Date Of Birth : Monday 570/571 Place Of Birth : Mecca Date Of Death : June 8, 632 Religion : Islam 'Founder Of Islam Religion' Cause : Spreading Islam Religion 'His Cause Still Spreading Until Now' (2) Isaac Newton 1689 portrait of Isaac Newton (aged 46) Anglican (rejected Trinitarianism ; believed in the Arianism of the Primitive Church) physicist ; theory of universal gravitation; laws of motion. Name : Sir Isaac Newton Date Of Birth : 4 January 1643 Place Of Birth : Woolsthorpe Ma...